Yukon HerStory Tours Logo

Step into the story. Literally.


Imagine if you could open a door, or step through a curtain, and you are transported into a scene from the Yukon’s past. It could be a saloon in Dawson City at the height of the gold rush, 1898.
Or a makeshift one-room health station in a log cabin, somewhere in the remote Yukon wilderness, 1923. You are immersed in the environment and you have the chance to talk with a character of that time – or listen to her stories.

That is what you will find at Yukon HerStory Tours: an immersive theatre experience featuring women’s stories from the Yukon’s past.

We are like time travel, where you get to explore live scenes, like stepping into a movie.
We recreate historical scenes from the Yukon’s past with a uniquely female point-of-view, allowing you to take a peek into what women did and experienced during different time periods of our history.

Explore each room, meet our characters and hear their stories, while you get to know what life was life “way back when” through their eyes.

Opening summer 2024!

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